Install and Uninstall

Download and install: Follow the download links in the web page of to partner website. Download and install according to partner website instructions.
Uninstall: Click and open BlackBerry Options --> Advanced Options --> Applications. In the list of application items, three items are associated with CSV Table Pro: "CSV Table Pro", "CSV Table Pro Content Handler", and "Aligned Data Shared Libraries". Move cursor to focus on "CSV Table Pro" and press BlackBerry <MENU> key. In the popup menu, choose "Delete" to delete "CSV Table Pro". Once this is completed, move cursor to focus on "CSV Table Pro Content Handler" and delete this item the same way. When being prompted with "Deletion will occur when handheld is restarted. Restart now?", click YES to restart the handset. Item "Aligned Data Shared Libraries" is deleted automatically along with "CSV Table Pro Content Handler".


If you don't have a valid license key, the application automatically operates under Lite Version mode. Under Lite Version mode, the application can display limited number of rows of the file. To obtain a valid license key, visit the "Buy Now" page of

Once you purchase a licensed key, click the “Options” Icon, one of the standard BlackBerry build-in applications. Once opened, among the list of option items, find and click “CSV Table Pro”. In the opened “CSV Table Pro” options window, input the 19-byte (or 16-byte) license key you obtained from vendor into the “License Key” sector and save it.

Open a file in media card

Click Menu Item “Open”. In the Dialog box “Select a file”, navigate among different folders and files using trackwheel/trackball. Click a folder name to enter the folder or click a file name to open it.

Edit current file

Edit a cell: select a cell and press ENTER key or click trackwheel/trackball. The Banner Field is now ready to edit. Once the editing is finished, just move cursor to away from the Banner Field to save the content back to the cell.

Insert a row: move cursor to a row title cell and click trackwheel/trackball. Then select “Insert a row” from the popup menu list. Short cut key: I or i.

Append a row: move cursor to a row title cell and click trackwheel/trackball. Then select “Append a row” from the popup menu list. Short cut key: A or a.

Delete a row: move cursor to a row title cell and click trackwheel/trackball. Then select “Delete row” from the popup menu list. Short cut key: DEL, BACKSPACE, d or D

Insert a column: move cursor to a column title cell and click trackwheel/trackball. Then select “Insert a column” from the popup menu list. Short cut key: I or i.

Append a column: move cursor to a column title cell and click trackwheel/trackball. Then select “Append a column” from the popup menu list. Short cut key: A or a.

Delete a column: move cursor to a column title cell and click trackwheel/trackball. Then select “Delete column” from the popup menu list. Short cut key: DEL, BACKSPACE, d or D.

Save current file

Save current file to media card: If the file is opened from a local media card, Menu Item “Save” is available. Click this menu item to save the current CSV file.

Save as

Menu Item “Save As” is always available. Use this menu item to rename and save the current file to media card. When “Save As” menu is chosen, a dialog box “Pick destination folder” is shown. Navigate among different folders using trackwheel/trackball. Once the destination folder is opened, press BlackBerry <MENU> key and choose Menu Item “Select here”. Then another dialog box “SAVE AS” is opened. Specify a new file name in this dialog and click “Save” to save the file.

View File Info

Click Menu Item “View Info”. In the dialog box, the source of the file, its number of rows and columns are displayed. Click OK to close the dialog box.

Go to a cell

Click Menu Item “Go to”. In the dialog box “Go to cell”, enter a cell position and click OK to move cursor to the specified cell. The cell position is designated in letters and digits. E.g. A15 refers to the cell in Column A and Row 15. Cell position must be valid in the current document context.

Find a string

Click Menu Item “Find”. In the dialog box “Search text:”, enter a text string and click OK to find it. “Find” always starts from the top of a document to the bottom and stops at the first occurrence of the string. To search the next occurrence, press BlackBerry <MENU> key and choose Menu Item “Find Again”.

Download original file

Download the original CSV file from a network source to local media card. Note: any changes made from CSV Table Pro is not saved. This menu item is available only when the source of file is from network.


Open a BlackBerry Browser session to read this User Guide document.


The settings of CSV Table Pro can be changed by accessing BlackBerry Options/CSV Table Pro.

Associate CSV MIME file type: If this option is chosen, CSV files can be opened directly from BlackBerry Messages, BlackBerry Browser, and BlackBerry Media Explorer.

Zoom Level: Select from -2, -1, 0, 1, 2 for a preferred zoom level.

License key: input the 19-byte (or 16-byte)  license key obtained from software vendor.

Known Limitation

To open an attached CSV file in Email sent to you device, you will need to have your BES/BIS service provider to enable CSV file delivery option. Otherwise CSV attachments are not sent to your device and thus you cannot open it using CSV Table Pro.

Opening files larger than 256KB may be possible only in certain BlackBerry models which have more computing power and memory resources.